Everyone is an individual.

You probably already knew that. But how about this:

– There’s no one who ever existed in the world, or who ever will exist, who is like you.
– You have a purpose that no one else can do like you can.
– Someone is waiting on the other side of your obedience.
– You are a work of art. The bible says: ‘For we are God’s workmanship (‘poema’: Greek for ‘masterpiece’), created in Christ Jesus for good works prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.’ – Ephesians 2:10

You are an individual. A masterpiece. Go find your purpose.

Our individuality was written even in our faces; namely, our skulls. They seem similar, but none of us looks exactly like another person, do we? Even twins are different in some ways.

I drew the art for the tee shirt below, and then translated into sparkling rhinestones. It is a celebration our differences in likeness, and of our sameness in that we are all human. 

You can order the Sparkling Skull T-shirt here. You can find out more on the Sparkling Skull Tee Shirt page.

See more work at www.christinekerrick.com here.

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