Javelina (pronounced ‘have-a-leena’)


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No joke: I needed schooling on how to pronounce javelina. My friend corrected me after seeing one in the desert and then ‘looking for a tree he could climb into, so it didn’t get him’. When he told me it was tiny, I kind of laughed. But when I looked them up online, it was a different story. They run very fast. Their teeth sharpen every time they close and open their mouths. And out west, where they live, people are urged to watch their small pets, because these toothy things will kill them.

Javelinas are not pigs but ‘peccaries’ (singular ‘peccary’); pig-like animals. Don’t ask me; I’m not a javelinologist (not a real thing), but it is fun learning about them.

This piece is 9×12, acrylic on mixed media paper. All pieces are unframed unless otherwise stated.

Additional information

Weight 10 oz
Dimensions 9 × 12 × 1 in
Original Art

Original art $400


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