Anything is possible at Christmas.
I especially believed this as a kid. As I lay under the tree on Christmas Eve, gazing at the quasar blue, hot red and glowing purple of the big lights, I dreamed of what the next day held. Even of all the presents that came at midnight, when I was supposed to be asleep.
It was a magical time.
I don’t know when I learned the ‘truth’, but my joy of Christmas didn’t die; that excitement just changed.
I still believe in miracles, surprises, and most of all the warmth of knowing the Reason for the season.
In less than 6 hours, 25 Days of Minis starts. It is an online art show, with 78 pieces of art–a painting under 12 x 12″ and under $500, each from 78 artists–is released every night at midnight, starting tonight.
Not signed up yet? You can do so here.
What does my fascination with Christmas have to do with llamas? Nothing. But they’re fun to look at, aren’t they?
And they love Christmas.